迎太所有品类如下:迎太管道 山西迎太塑料有限公司组建于1988年。公司注册地址:运城市黄河大道北(盐湖工业园),属股份制民营企业。1996年和2000年公司分别收购了原“运城市制版包装厂”和“运城市国营塑料厂”,成为改革开放后运城市民营企业成功收购国营企业的典范。曾9年间成功的实现了三次大跨越,一举成为全国最大的农地膜生产企业。|公司注册资本1.1264亿元,在册员工1300人(其中:高级技术人员16名,中级技术人员48名,大中专*生228人。)总资产13亿元,占地283亩,建筑面积10万多平方米,现代化各种塑料*设备180台、套,塑料制品年生产能力13万吨,年产值15亿元。主要产品有:“迎太”牌农地膜、CPP流延包装膜、镀铝膜、BOPP双向拉伸膜、大棚膜、PE、PP管材等5大系列百余种产品。|1998年2月14日我公司在*工商总局注册了“迎太”商标,多年来,公司始终坚持“质量、信誉第一,热情服务、客户至上”的服务宗旨。产品连年来销售到秦、晋、豫、甘、蒙、宁、青、新、鲁、滇、蜀、藏、黑、吉、辽、冀等十六个省、自治区,在以上地区建立了3000多个稳固的销售网点。占据全国十分之一的市场份额,为我国的华北、东北、西北、中原和西南的农业生产区作出了重大的贡献。|2005年以来,公司以低于同类产品10%的优惠价格,将属于少数民族特需用品的“迎太”牌农地膜、工棚膜、滴灌、渗灌产品让利销售给甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区等少数民族地区近百个销售网点。累计为少数民族提供了种植牧草的农膜、滴灌产品6万多吨,让利1500多万元,有力的支援了西部少数民族农牧民发展农牧业,致富奔小康。由于公司的突出贡献,被*民委、财政部、中国*银行确定为“十一五”期间全国少数民族特许商品定点生产企业,享受中国*银行的贴息政策。同时,公司的“迎太”牌系列产品在华北、西北、西南的少数民族地区得到了发扬光大。|为了进一步做好“迎太”牌传统产品,提高产品质量,公司从国内外不断引进先进的生产设备,不断的引进先进的技术和生产工艺,不断强化职工的产品质量意识,大力实施商标战略,大力加强商标的宣传力度,通过多年来不懈努力,“迎太”牌产品已深入人心,深受农民朋友们的青睐。2001年以来,“迎太”牌商标连续三届被认定为“山西省著名商标”、“山西名牌产品”。同时荣获了“中国塑料工业百强企业”和“中国塑料薄膜产业十大著名品牌”的殊荣。|2004年以后,公司在稳定做好传统产品农用薄膜的同时,把眼光投向了高科技、高附加值的包装行业产品(CPP、BOPP、镀铝膜。从2004年到008年间CPP生产由一条生产线陆续发展到4条生产线,年生产能力达到了1.5万吨;真空镀铝膜从2007年到2011年4月发展到三条生产线,年生产能力达到了1万吨;2009年又购回德国布鲁克纳BOPP薄膜生产线条,年产能8000吨。以上包装行业产品产值、产量、等综合实力在全国包装行业名列前茅。CPP和BOPP的生产填补了山西、内蒙和西北五省的空白,并在上述区域占据7O%以上的销售份额。|公司坚持不懈的实施品牌战略,形成了以“迎太”牌产品为代表的农资、包装系列著名品牌。几年来,公司连续荣获“质量信誉A*等级*”、“质量信得过单位”、“重合同、守信用单位”、“明星企业”、“重点保护企业”、“陕西省质量合格企业”、“甘肃省实施质量信誉双保障企业”、“质量效益型企业”、“ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证企业”、“贡献突出企业”等多种奖项和殊荣。|Shanxi yingtai Plastic Co.,Ltd was established in ,with the address as Yanhu Industrial Park,North of Huanghe Avenue,Yuncheng.It belongs to a holding company .In 1996 and ,it Purchased former Yuncheng Plate-Making and Packig Factory and Yuncheng Stae-Owned Plastic Factory,thus becoming a model for privatc enterprises to purchase stae-owned ones in Yuncheng since the state’s open policy .With three great-leap-forward development in 9 years,it has become the largest national agricultural mulch film production enterprise.|Yingtai has a registered capital of RMB,,,a total staff of ,300 people(16 snior technical staff,48 medium technical staff and 228 people with university or technical diplomas),a total asset of RMB 1 billion.It covers an area of 283 mu,with a built-up area of over ,000?.It has 180 sets of various modern plastic processequipinent,with an annual plastic production of ,000 tons and an annual production value of RMB 1.5 billon,The main products are: five main series with over 100 products like “Yingtai” brand agricultural mulch film,CPP and AL metalized film,BOPP film, greenhouse film,and PE and PPtubing.|On February ,,our company registered “Yingtai”brand in State Administration of Industry and Commerce.Over years,we are always sticking to the aim of “quality and reputation first,enthusiastic service and customers’supremacy”.The products have been sold for years to the 16 provinces or autonomous regions like Shanxi,Henan、Gansu Inner Mongol,Ningxia,Qinghai,Xinjiang,Shandong,Yunnan,Sichuan,Tiber,Heilongjiang,Jilin,Liaoning,and Hebei,where a markeling net of over ,000 sales points are set up,covering one tenths of the national markerting,marking contributions to the main agricuitural production regions of North China,Northeast,Northwest,Central China and Southwest.|Since ,the company benefited Minority customers in shch provinces as Gansu,Ningxia,Inner Mengol,and Xinjiang by selling “Yingtai” brand agricultural mulch film,greenhouse film,bunkhouse film,and trickle and infiltration irrigation tubing, at the price 10& lower than that of the similar products. The accumulative amount of agricultural films and trickle irrigation piping to the minorities have reached over ,000 tons and its cut-price profit is over RMB,,,which helps the development of the agricultural and livestock in the minority regions of West China.As a result,the company was appointed,by State Ethnic Affairs Commission,Ministry of Finance and People’s Bank of China as the designated enterprise for the specral need of the national minority,enjoying the discount policy by People’s Bank of China. Meanwhile,our “Yingtai” brand products was promoted as well in the Minority regions of North China, Northwest and Southwest.|To further improve “Yingtai” brand products and improve their quality ,we keep on introducing advanced equipments from abroail,upgrading advanced technology and production process,increasing the worker’s quality awareness,and strengthening the trademark strategy and publication.After years’efforts, “Yingtai” trademark has stuck deep root in customers’ hearts and won the popularity of the farmers,Since , “Yingtai” brand trademark has appointed in three successive terms as “Shanxi Famous Trademark” and “Shanxi Brand Name Product”. Meanwhil,it has also had laurels of “China Top 100 Plastic Industry Enterprises” and “China Top 10 Plastic Film Brand Name Product”|After 2004,as we took stable steps to do well in he traditional agricultural plasac film products We also aimed at hi-tech and high value added pracking in dustry like Cpp.BOPP and Metalized films.Between 2004 and 2008.we expanded CPP production form 1 to 4 production lines,with an annual production capacity of ,000 tons .Between 2007 and April ,2011 we expanded vacuum AL metalized film production to 3 production lines,with an annual production eapacity of l,000 tons In 2009.we purchased from Brucker,Germany a BOPP film production line,with an annual production eapacity of ,000 tons.The comprehensiv capabilities like output,its value,and sales revenue of the above packing products is among the best in the national packing industry Our CPP and BOPP production has filled the gap in Shanxi.Inner Mengol and Northwest procinces,covering over 70% salesnproportion In these regions|Our persistent performing of brand has the company form a series famous brands of agricultural material and pracking supplies,mainly based on “Yingtai” brand.Over years,the company has continnously won many prizes and laurels such as “Leading Enterprise in Agricultural Industrialization”,“Shanxi Civil-run Science and Technology Enterprise”. “Certificate of Quality Reputation Grade AA”, “quality Reliable Unit”, “Valuing Contract and Keeping Promise Unit”, “Star Enterprise”, “Enterprise under Special Protection”, “Shani Provicial Quality Qualifieation Enterprse”, “Gansu Provincial Quality and Credit Double Guanranty Enterprise”, “ISO9001:2000 Certifieated E”nterprise”, “Enterprise with Outstanding Contributions”,etc.
2025-01-27 09:23
回答者: 饼干公主